Starry Night!
This year we are going to make hanging stars for St Mary's Christmas tree! If you'd like to do this with others, there will be a crafty...
Christmas Café @ St Mary’s
A date for your diary is the Christmas Café @ St Mary’s which will take place on Saturday 23 November from 10 am – 12.30. There will be...
A Harvest thank you
Thank you so much for all the food donations for Eastleigh Basics Bank – they were much appreciated. We also raised the wonderful total...
The Lord is my Shepherd
During a time of anguished betrayal, David could still pen words of confidence in God’s love - not for himself alone, but for millions to...
125th Anniversary Fun Day
This year St Mary’s will be 125 years old and we are going to celebrate with a Fun Day on Saturday 25 June. There will be food, all...
Christian Aid Week
I am very pleased and thankful that so many people came to the meeting at St Mary’s to hear Charlotte Scott speak about the situation of...
Women’s World Day of Prayer – 2016
Until a friend of mine had holidayed in Cuba several years ago with a Holiday Fellowship Group I had not thought much about that part of...
Children’s Society - Spring 2016
This year’s box donations totalled £513.96. Although the amount is lower than our magnificent contributions over the previous five...
Prayer Healing Fellowship
Prayer Healing Fellowship are holding their usual February Coffee Morning on Saturday 27th from 10 am to 12 noon. Please do come along...
Women’s World Day of Prayer 2016
This year the people of Cuba have written the material for our worship. They share their hopes and fears, asking for prayer for the...